Healing Spirit Touch

Guiding you back to health

12PM - 6PM Tues, Weds, Fri 12PM - 4 PM Sat  503.245.0454

Energetic Healing Class Schedule 2025

Join Barb once a month to connect, discuss, and learn about energy work and how it can benefit your life. Classes are limited to 6 attendees. Students will need to list themselves as "Going" on the Facebook Event.

Follow us on Facebook for event times and to Sign up for class.

Last Saturday of every Month

All Classes are from 5pm -7pm

$40 fee

1/25/25    Energy Healing: What is it and how does it work?
Energy is universal. Science has proven energy can neither be created or destroyed; it is only transmuted. When we are suffering from physical or emotional injury our personal energy becomes imbalanced. Energy healing is a way to help boost your physical, mental, and spiritual healing. This class is designed to explain the basics of energy healing. You'll learn what Reiki, Acupuncture, Chakra Balancing, Crystal Healing, Mediation and other forms of energy healing can do for you.

2/22/25   Grounding & Connecting
This class will teach you fundamental techniques to help you ground your energy to the Earth to feel more connected to your life, your family and your purpose. We will also discuss what to do when you feel overwhelmed by friends, family and work.

3/29/25   Your Auras & Chakras
This class will explain how to detect, clear and balance the Universal energy that moves through your body's energy field. Your Auras & Chakras work together to keep you energetically healthy. By keeping your auras and chakras clean and clear, your physical body becomes healthier as well.

4/26/25   Crystals and How They Work for You
In this class you will practice your ability to sense subtle energies that surround us every day. You will learn how to discern their meaning to you and your life. As well as how to protect yourself from unwanted energetic attacks from other people.

5/31/25   Creating Your Energetic Safe Space
This class will review Grounding & Connecting techniques while teaching you how to set up your own energetic workspace. Once you have solidified your energetic safe space, you can more easily complete daily mediation practices, connect with your guides and better understand the energetic messages they have brought to you.

6/28/25   Meeting Your Guides
This class will walk you through the process of meeting and getting to know your Guides, Guardian Angels, Totem Animals or other friends from the spirit world. We will first travel to our Energetic safe space, ground and connect with the planet and Source energy, then connect and communicate with our guides.


Call 503-245-0454 or email Barb@HealingSpiritTouch.com